Creating Single Node Cluster on Local Machine Using Flexkube CLI

Creating single-node cluster on local machine using “flexkube” CLI

This guide describes how to create single node Kubernetes cluster using flexkube CLI. It will explain cluster creation process step by step to explain the configuration and provide some insights.

For fully automated creation, see Creating single-node Kubernetes cluster on local machine using Terraform.


For this guide, it is required to have one Linux machine, with Docker daemon installed and running.

It is recommended that machine has at least 2 GB of RAM and is a fresh machine, as in tutorial the tools will write to directories like /etc/kubernetes or /var/lib/kubelet without notice.

The Docker version should be 18.06+.

Network interfaces setup is not important, however having a private IP address is recommended from security perspective.

If you don’t have such machine, visit Creating virtual machines for testing to see how to create one locally.


If this guide is too long for you, you can try just running the script below, which summarizes all the steps from this guide.

export IP=$(ip addr show dev $(ip r | grep default | tr ' ' \\n | grep -A1 dev | tail -n1) | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1); echo $IP
export POD_CIDR=
export FLEXKUBE_VERSION=v0.6.0
export HELM_VERSION=3.5.4
export PATH="$(pwd):${PATH}"
export TOKEN_ID=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1)
export TOKEN_SECRET=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1)
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
export API_SERVER_PORT=6443

umask 077

[ ! -f flexkube ] && wget -O-${FLEXKUBE_VERSION}/flexkube_${FLEXKUBE_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar zxvf -
[ ! -f kubectl ] && curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl && chmod +x kubectl
[ ! -f helm ] && wget -O-${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -zxvf - linux-amd64/helm && mv linux-amd64/helm ./ && rmdir linux-amd64

cat <<EOF | sed '/^$/d' > config.yaml
    - kube-apiserver
      testing: ${IP}
      - ${IP}
      peerAddress: ${IP}
  apiServerAddress: ${IP}
  apiServerPort: ${API_SERVER_PORT}
    serviceCIDR: ${SERVICE_CIDR}
    - https://${IP}:2379
    flexVolumePluginDir: /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins
      token: ${TOKEN_ID}.${TOKEN_SECRET}
      server: ${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}
      server: ${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}
    privilegedLabels: ""
    volumePluginDir: /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins
    - name: testing
      address: ${IP}

flexkube --yes pki
flexkube --yes etcd
flexkube --yes controlplane
flexkube --yes kubeconfig | grep -v "Trying to read" > ${KUBECONFIG}
helm repo add flexkube
helm upgrade --install -n kube-system tls-bootstrapping flexkube/tls-bootstrapping --set tokens[0].token-id=$TOKEN_ID --set tokens[0].token-secret=$TOKEN_SECRET
flexkube --yes kubelet-pool default
helm upgrade --install --wait -n kube-system kube-proxy flexkube/kube-proxy --set "podCIDR=${POD_CIDR}" --set apiServers="{${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}}"
helm upgrade --install --wait -n kube-system calico flexkube/calico --set flexVolumePluginDir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins --set podCIDR=$POD_CIDR
helm upgrade --install --wait -n kube-system coredns flexkube/coredns --set rbac.pspEnable=true --set service.ClusterIP=$DNS_SERVICE_IP
helm upgrade --install --wait -n kube-system kubelet-rubber-stamp flexkube/kubelet-rubber-stamp

If something fails, head down to specific section of this guide for more information.


Before we start creating a cluster, we need to gather some information and download required binaries.

Log in into the machine where you want to deploy Kubernetes before proceeding.

IP address for deployment

To configure cluster components, you need to provide the IP address, which will be used by the cluster. You can find available IP addresses using e.g. ifconfig command.

You can try getting the IP address automatically using the following command:

export IP=$(ip addr show dev $(ip r | grep default | tr ' ' \\n | grep -A1 dev | tail -n1) | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1); echo $IP

On VirtualBox, we can use IP.

Save the IP address for future use using the following command:

export IP=

Selecting service CIDR and pod CIDR

Kubernetes requires 2 network CIDRs to operate, one from each pod will receive the IP address and one for Service objects with type ClusterIP. While selecting the CIDRs, make sure they don’t overlap with each other and other networks your machine is connected to.

Once decided on CIDRs, we should also save 2 special IP addresses:

  • kubernetes Service - This IP address will be used by pods which talk to Kubernetes API. It must be included in kube-apiserver server certificate IP addresses list. This must be first address of Service CIDR. So if your service CIDR is, it should be
  • DNS Service - This IP address will be used by cluster’s DNS service. This IP is usually 10th address of Service CIDR. So if your service CIDR is, it should be

With all this information gathered, you command like this to save this information for later use:

export POD_CIDR=

Downloading flexkube binary

Once logged in, execute the following command to download flexkube CLI binary into working directory. This is the binary, which will be used to create a cluster components.

export FLEXKUBE_VERSION=v0.6.0
wget -O-${FLEXKUBE_VERSION}/flexkube_${FLEXKUBE_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar zxvf -

Downloading kubectl binary

To verify that cluster is operational it is recommended to have kubectl binary available. You can install it using the following command:

curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl && chmod +x kubectl

Downloading helm binary

Parts of cluster provisioning is done using Helm 3 binary, when deploying the cluster using the flexkube CLI. You can install it using the following command:

export HELM_VERSION=3.5.4
wget -O-${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -zxvf - linux-amd64/helm && mv linux-amd64/helm ./ && rmdir linux-amd64

Make downloaded binaries available in $PATH

For compatibility with rest of the tutorial, you should make sure that downloaded binaries are in one of the directories in the $PATH environment variable.

You can also add working directory to the $PATH using the following command:

export PATH="$(pwd):${PATH}"

Creating the cluster

Now that you have all required binaries and information, we can start creating the cluster.

Creating certificates

First step to create a cluster is to generate all certificates required by Kubernetes. As this is not a trivial task to create and manage those certificates, Flexkube provides PKI resource, which does exactly that.

Before we create the certificates, we need to provide some configuration to tell PKI resource to create for you both etcd and Kubernetes certificates, as by default it only creates Root CA certificate.

For this guide, you can create configuration using the following command:

cat <<EOF | sed '/^$/d' > config.yaml
    - kube-apiserver
      testing: ${IP}
      - ${IP}
See PKI configuration reference to see all available configuration options.

Once created, run the following command to generate the certificates:

flexkube pki

If everything succeeded, you should find many certificates in newly created state.yaml file.

Creating etcd cluster

Before we start Kubernetes containers, we need etcd cluster. Flexkube provides etcd resource to manage such clusters.

To create etcd cluster, we need to configure it’s members in config.yaml file. This can be done using the following command:

cat <<EOF >> config.yaml

      peerAddress: ${IP}
See etcd configuration reference to see all available configuration options.

Now, you can run the following command to create etcd cluster:

flexkube etcd

Once finished, you should see etcd container running, if you run docker ps.

Creating static Kubernetes controlplane

With etcd running, you can now create static Kubernetes controlplane. Static, as Flexkube recommends to run Kubernetes controlplane self-hosted, so managed using Kubernetes itself. However, before this can be done, temporary, or static controlplane is needed. And this is exactly what Controlplane resource provides.

You can configure it by running the following command:

export API_SERVER_PORT=6443
cat <<EOF >> config.yaml

  apiServerAddress: ${IP}
  apiServerPort: ${API_SERVER_PORT}
    serviceCIDR: ${SERVICE_CIDR}
    - https://${IP}:2379
    flexVolumePluginDir: /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins
See Controlplane configuration reference to see all available configuration options.

Now, you can create Kubernetes controlplane using the following command:

flexkube controlplane

Execution can take a while, as Kubernetes docker images must be now pulled.

Once finished, you should see 3 new containers running when you run docker ps.

Getting kubeconfig file

Even though the cluster has no objects or deployments yet, you should be able to access it already. For that, you need kubeconfig file. flexkube CLI provides flexkube kubeconfig command, which will read information about the cluster from configuration and state files and print it to you.

To generate kubeconfig file, run the following command:

flexkube kubeconfig | grep -v "Trying to read" > kubeconfig

kubeconfig file should be created.

Now, you need to configure Kubernetes clients to use this file. This can be done using the following command:

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig

You can now run kubectl version to verify, that the cluster is accessible.

Adding Flexkube Helm charts repository

Before proceeding, make sure you have flexkube Helm repositories configured, as it is the recommended source for installing the charts mentioned in next sections. You can add required repository by running the following command:

helm repo add flexkube

Adding nodes to the cluster

Having a cluster without nodes is not very useful. This section describes how to add nodes to your cluster.

Creating TLS bootstrapping RBAC rules and bootstrap tokens

Flexkube requires TLS bootstrapping process to be used while adding new nodes to the cluster. To enable that, extra RBAC rules must be created before nodes tries to join the cluster.

This step is handled by tls-bootstrapping helm chart, which creates RBAC rules and allows to create bootstrap tokens.

First, we need to generate bootstrap token, which will be used in next steps. You can do it by running the following commands:

export TOKEN_ID=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1)
export TOKEN_SECRET=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1)

Then, install the chart to create RBAC rules and bootstrap token, by running this command:

helm upgrade --install -n kube-system tls-bootstrapping flexkube/tls-bootstrapping --set tokens[0].token-id=$TOKEN_ID --set tokens[0].token-secret=$TOKEN_SECRET

Creating kubelet pool

With Flexkube, kubelets are managed in pools by Kubelet Pool resource. This allows to group them to share the configuration. Usually clusters have one group called controllers which runs controlplane components and one or more worker pools, which might characterize with e.g. different hardware.

For this tutorial, we will just create single pool default.

You can configure this pool by running the following command:

cat <<EOF >> config.yaml

      token: ${TOKEN_ID}.${TOKEN_SECRET}
      server: ${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}
      server: ${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}
    privilegedLabels: ""
    volumePluginDir: /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins
    - name: testing
      address: ${IP}
See Kubelet pool configuration reference to see all available configuration options.

Now, to create default pool, run the following command:

flexkube kubelet-pool default

Once finished, you should see that node testing has been added to the cluster by running kubectl get nodes.

Installing CNI, CoreDNS and other packages

Now that you have cluster running with nodes, you need to install some extra packages to make the cluster fully functional.

Installing kube-proxy

kube-proxy is not required for bare Kubernetes cluster, so it can be fully managed using Kubernetes itself.

kube-proxy handles load balancing traffic to service CIDR in the cluster.

To install it, run the following command:

helm upgrade --install -n kube-system kube-proxy flexkube/kube-proxy --set "podCIDR=${POD_CIDR}" --set apiServers="{${IP}:${API_SERVER_PORT}}"

Installing Calico chart as CNI plugin

While not necessarily required for this guide, as we only run one node, it is recommended to install some CNI plugin on the cluster, as without that, kubelet will stay in NotReady state.

Flexkube recommends using Calico as a CNI plugin, as it works on variety of platforms and provides both IPAM and NetworkPolicies implementation. Flexkube also provides calico helm chart, so Calico installation can be easily configured and managed.

To install it, run the following command:

helm upgrade --install -n kube-system calico flexkube/calico --set flexVolumePluginDir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins --set podCIDR=$POD_CIDR
We specify flexVolumePluginDir, as default path is on /usr partition, which is read-only in Flatcar Container Linux.

Installing CoreDNS as Cluster DNS

To provide DNS resolving for pods and service names it is recommended to run CoreDNS on your cluster. It can be installed from upstream Helm chart.

To install it, run the following command:

helm upgrade --install -n kube-system coredns stable/coredns --set rbac.pspEnable=true --set service.ClusterIP=$DNS_SERVICE_IP

Installing kubelet-rubber-stamp

As part of kubelet TLS bootstrapping process, kubelet requests serving certificate from Kubernetes API, to be able to use it for serving logs and metrics securely to kube-apiserver.

At the time of writing, kube-controller-manager does not approve those certificates and 3rd party controller needs to be used to automate this process. This is what kubelet-rubber-stamp does.

It can be installed by running the following command:

helm upgrade --install -n kube-system kubelet-rubber-stamp flexkube/kubelet-rubber-stamp

Verifying cluster functionality

Now your cluster is ready to use. Go ahead and try deploying some application on it. Please keep following things in mind, while using the cluster:

  • Service of type LoadBalancer won’t get the IP address, as there is no controller, which could assign it.
  • The cluster has Pod Security Policies enabled by default. Make sure your deployment ships the PSP.
  • There is no storage provider on the cluster, so pods requesting PVCs will be stuck in pending state.

Cleaning up

To clean up the host, first, uninstall all helm releases, so kubelet removes all the pods. This can be done using the following command:

helm uninstall -n kube-system calico coredns kube-proxy kubelet-rubber-stamp tls-bootstrapping

Then, rename or remove config.yaml file, so CLI will be able to clean up the resources. For example, execute:

mv config.yaml config.yaml.old

Now you can remove all containers managed by flexkube using following commands:

flexkube kubelet-pool default
flexkube controlplane
flexkube etcd

Finally, following directories can be removed as well:

sudo rm -rf /etc/kubernetes/ /var/lib/etcd/ /var/lib/kubelet/ /var/lib/calico/

What’s next

This guide explains, how to create a cluster using flexkube CLI, which explains every step and provides insights, but might be time consuming and error-prone. For fully automated installation, see “Creating single-node Kubernetes cluster on local machine using Terraform”.

If you want to deploy the cluster to remote machine(s), which also supports HA controlplane, see “Creating multi-node cluster using Terraform”.