Flexkube CLI

Download the pre-built binary

The easiest way to get Flexkube CLI is to use one of the pre-built release binaries which are available for macOS and Linux.

See Github Releases page to find the latest available release.

For example, to download version v0.4.0 on Linux, execute the following command:


It will download the flexkube binary into your current directory. It is recommende to move this binary into one of directories mentioned in your $PATH environment variable, e.g. to ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin, to make it easy to access.

Building from source

For building from source, make sure you have go and git binaries available in your system.

Using go get

You can install Flexkube CLI from source using the following command:

go get

Once done, make sure your Go binary path is included in $PATH, so the binary is accessible for execution.

Using git and go build

To build Flexkube CLI from source, first clone libflexkube repository. This can be done using the following command:

git clone && cd libflexkube

Then, to build the binary, run the following command:

go build ./cmd/flexkube

When build is finished, the binary should be in the current directory. It is recommende to move this binary into one of directories mentioned in your $PATH environment variable, e.g. to ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin, to make it easy to access.